About the founder

Shaykh Sajid Ibrahim Sufi Saheb (DB), who is the founder of Madrasah Ihyaa-Us-Sunnah, Al-Miftah (girls), IUS Outreach (Charity work) and The Reminder Publications.

Moulana graduated from Al Jamiatul Islamiyah, Darul Uloom Bolton in 2002. He studied Sahih al-Bukhari under Shaykhul-Hadith Hadhrat Mufti Inayatullah Saheb (DB) in Al Jamiatul Islamiyah, Darul Uloom Bolton. He spent one year in Tabilighi Jamat from 2002 - 2003. After spending one year he founded Madrasah Ihyaa-Us-Sunnah (Bolton) in 2004, with the Mashwara of Hadhrat Hafiz Muhammad Patel Saheb (RA).

Shaykh's respected grandfather, Late Haji Muhammad Musa Sufi Saheb Manubari (RA), was a famous Gujarati poet, who supported Moulana in establishing the Madrasah. He was a strong pillar who supported Moulana in all his endeavours.

Shaykh's respected father, Haji Ibrahim Muhammad Musa Sufi, his beloved mother, grandmother and wife, all supported Moulana in laying down the foundation of the Madrasah, and continues to support Moulana in all his services.

 Muhaddith-E-Kabir Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Saheb Azmi (DB), who is the patron of the Madrasah, continues to give his special attention to Moulana and the Madrasah.

Muhaddith-E-Kabir Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Saheb Azmi (DB), has visited and delivered many programmes at the Madrasah on many occasions.

Shaykh has received authorisation in Risalatul Awail and Musalsalat, and studied parts of Sahih al-Bukhari under Muhaddith-E-Kabir Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Saheb Azmi (DB). Moulana is also a Khalifah of  the great Muhaddith.

Shaykh has visited Muhaddith-E-Kabir Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Saheb Azmi (DB) in South Africa, and has travelled with the great Muhaddith to Umrah, and many other countries.

Shaykh was very fortunate that due to the relationship of Muhaddith-E-Kabir Shaykh Fazlur Rahman Saheb Azmi (DB) with Shaykhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RA), Shaykhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RA) visited Madrasah Ihyaa-Us-Sunnah and expressed his happiness, and gave many special duas and attention. Shaykhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala Saheb (RA) was the first to visit the Madrasah when it was still being renovated.

Moulana also studied under Shaykh Moulana Muhammad Ali Nanji Saheb (RA) at Al Jamiatul Islamiyah, Darul Uloom Bolton, who was the student of Hadhrat Shaykh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Saheb Kandhlawi (RA), Hadhrat Mufti Muzaffar Hussain Saheb (RA) and Hadhrat Qari Muhammad Tayyab Saheb (RA).

Shaykh taught at the seminary he graduated from, Al Jamiatul Islamiyah, Darul Uloom Bolton, for over a decade. 

Shaykh currently teaches Sahih al-Bukhari & Tirmizi at Madrasah Ihyaa-Us-Sunnah.

Shaykh's students & mureeds are currently serving as Imams & teachers, throughout UK & abroad. Shaykh travels within UK & abroad delivering speeches, conducting spiritual gatherings and spending time with his students in the Tablighi effort.

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